Councils have a vital role to play in ending fuel poverty. Councillors – and prospective councillors – can now pledge to do all they can to end fuel poverty.
People living in cold damp homes causes significant health and social challenges. Living in these conditions leads to worsening public health, increased pressure on the NHS and can adversely impact children’s development.
As a councillor, I pledge to do all I can to end the scourge of fuel poverty. I will campaign for:
- improving energy efficiency of Council / housing association housing stock
- better enforcement of existing regulations on energy efficiency and property standards in the private rented sector
- improving private tenants’ rights
- providing information advice and guidance on energy efficiency and benefits to those most at risk of fuel poverty
- the use of central government energy scheme grants to help those most at risk
- reform of Britain’s broken energy system
I will also do my best to bring forward the End Fuel Poverty motion to a Council meeting and pledge to follow up with officials to ensure action is taken.
Sign up to the Pledge online
Councillors and local activists can bring a motion on fuel poverty to the next Council meeting. Local authorities can also contact the Coalition for more information and to join as members.