Snow and cold health warnings demonstrate need for energy bill support

As health experts warn old and disabled peoples’ lives are at risk with Britain set to freeze until Wednesday (January 8), campaigners are calling for the government to fast track a social tariff backed by three-quarters of voters.

Warm This Winter found a huge majority of the public think the Government should provide more support to vulnerable households with their energy bills [1] which they also believe should be funded by the wider energy sector that has made over £483 billion in profits according to the latest stats released by campaigners.

Three quarters of the public (75%) back the Government bringing in a social tariff to provide a discount on energy bills to those in greatest need of help.

A social tariff offers lasting protection to those who depend on heating and electricity the most for their health and well-being, reducing the costs of every unit of energy they use and shielding them from volatile and persistently high energy prices.

But after many pensioners have now seen their winter fuel payments removed, 78% of the public called for a social tariff to be made available to older people. 

And 86% felt that those who are dependent on powered medical equipment in order to stay healthy at home (e.g. dialysis machines, oxygen concentrators, artificial ventilators) or rely on energy to power equipment (e.g. charge wheelchairs, run fridges for medicines) should get the tariff.

Similar high levels of support were found for the social tariff going to those who have respiratory diseases (81%), have cardiovascular disease (77%),  disabilities  (76%), are financially vulnerable (72%) or are at risk from not using energy due to money worries (69%).

As in previous polling, the public backed the social tariff being paid for by the energy industry (producers, networks and suppliers). There was also support for the cost being split between industry and general taxation. 

There was almost no support for it being fully funded by spreading the costs across everyone else’s energy bills, which is usually what happens with support schemes at present.

Simon Francis, coordinator of the End Fuel Poverty Coalition, commented:

“As households continue to suffer as a result of our dependence on volatile gas prices, the to-do list for the Government in 2025 gets even longer.

“As a priority, Ministers must set out plans to tackle affordability and discrimination in the energy market. This is an imperative to reduce and prevent the public health complications that arise from so many millions of people living in cold damp homes.

“We must see affordable energy bills for those most in need of support through a social tariff alongside other measures to bring down prices, address issues with smart meters and ensure all households can access the best tariffs and support.

“At the same time, Ministers must not let up in delivering longer-term market reforms that prioritise consumers, while also providing the £13.2bn in funding needed for the Warm Homes Plan and continuing to drive forward renewable energy projects which improve our energy security.”

Warm This Winter campaign manager, Caroline Simpson, commented:

“The public believe that a social tariff must be implemented and this needs to be done as soon as possible to avoid more scenes of vulnerable people living in cold damp homes every winter. Hard-pressed bill payers also want to see this programme paid for by energy industry profits.

“Most also agree the only way to bring down everyone’s bills in the long term is to help households reduce their energy use, by insulating and ventilating the UK’s housing, which is some of the leakiest in Europe. But in the meantime we must ensure we protect the most vulnerable people in our society from the continuing high cost of energy driven by volatile gas prices.”


[1] Opinium conducted an online survey of 2,014 nationally and politically representative UK adults between 7th and 8th October 2024.

Energy firm profits top £483 billion since start of crisis

Just 20 energy companies have made £483 billion in profits since the start of the energy bills crisis. [1]

While the full range of figures for 2024 have yet to be declared, profits this year amount to £9bn with another £77bn of interims also posted.

Recent Ofgem price cap changes have seen energy bills creep upwards with a further 1.2% increase due to come into force from 1 January 2025.

A spokesperson for the End Fuel Poverty Coalition, commented:

“While consumers have suffered in cold damp homes this winter, energy firms’ boardrooms have been celebrating further bumper profits.

“To add insult to injury, around a quarter of what is spent on heating our draughty properties is wasted, because the fact is that the UK has some of the worst insulated homes in Europe. Fuel poor households are literally seeing money fly out of their windows and into the pockets of the energy industry.

“We are repeatedly told that there is not enough money to provide support for older people with their energy or to roll out comprehensive programmes of insulation, these figures show this is simply not true. There is plenty of money in the energy industry, it’s just not in the hands of hard-pressed customers.”

The staggering sums are revealed in the End Fuel Poverty Coalition’s updated profit tracker which examines profits made by a sample of companies that include energy producers (such as Equinor and Shell) through to the firms that control our energy grid (such as National Grid, UK Power Networks and National Gas Transmission) as well as suppliers (such as British Gas). It does not include supply chains or market trading firms.

As recently as October, changes in the price cap meant that suppliers will be able to make an additional 11% in profits on every standard variable tariff. Analysis of these figures suggest that supplier profits allowed through the Price Cap could amount to c.£1.2 billion over the next 12 months, enough to cover the cost of Winter Fuel Payments for almost all pensioners. [2]

Warm This Winter spokesperson Caroline Simpson said: “We reckon it’s about time the energy industry stopped lining their own pockets and supported the estimated 8.8 million people that have spent Christmas in cold damp homes.”

A March 2024 Warm This Winter Tariff Watch report also called for improvements in transparency of the ownership of energy network and transmission firms after it found that British households had been boosting the profits of Chinese and Qatari Government-backed funds.


[1] Researchers examined the declared profits of the 20 energy firms the End Fuel Poverty Coalition is most asked to comment on. This sample of the industry ranges from energy producers (such as Equinor and Shell) through to the firms that control our energy grid (such as National Grid, UK Power Networks and Cadent) as well as suppliers (such as British Gas). It does not include supply chains nor market trading firms. Previous updates have been published on:

The updated tracker is available at: 

[2] Ofgem Price Cap decision, p4 EBIT allowance from 1 October 2024 is £44 per standard variable tariff customer per year. Ofgem state that 27m customers are on a standard variable tariff. £44 * 27m = £1.19bn.

Millions to spend a fourth winter in cold damp homes

New figures reveal that 16% of UK adults (8.8m people) live in cold damp homes, exposed to the health complications that come from living in fuel poverty. [1]

While the Government has announced that a Warm Homes Plan will help improve people’s homes in years to come, this will come too late for the one in ten (9%) who frequently experienced, dangerous, levels of mould in their homes over the past 12 months.

People who live in poorly insulated homes risk seeing damp and mould spread and the NHS warns that people living in these conditions are more likely to have respiratory problems, respiratory infections, allergies or asthma. 

Damp and mould can also affect the immune system while living in such conditions can also increase the risk of heart disease, heart attacks or strokes.

Cold homes can cause and worsen respiratory conditions, cardiovascular diseases, poor mental health, dementia and hypothermia as well as cause and slow recovery from injury.

To tackle the problem, a large majority of people support a fully funded nationwide insulation and ventilation programme to create healthy, energy efficient homes that will slash excess deaths caused by cold, damp houses in winter. 

Nearly three-quarters (72%) agree the worst insulated homes should be the priority as almost half (47%) of those polled are worried about how they will stay warm this winter, with 46% worried if they have to rely on the NHS this winter. [2]

A spokesperson for the End Fuel Poverty Coalition, commented:

“The sheer numbers of people living in cold damp homes this winter should send alarm bells ringing throughout Westminster. 

“These shocking figures have hardly changed since last year and with energy bills heading upwards again in January, the situation is now critical for the Government.

“The Chancellor must take two immediate steps in the Comprehensive Spending Review. Firstly, she must fully support the Warm Homes Plan with £13.2bn of funding and a commitment to help the worst insulated homes get support first.

“Then Ministers must also bring in more support for vulnerable households this winter and speed up plans to bring in a social tariff for next winter – a move that is backed by the vast majority of voters.”

Following the findings of the poll, commissioned by campaign group Warm This Winter, organisations have signed an open letter sent to Darren Jones, the Chief Secretary to the Treasury calling for the Government to commit to the  £13.2 billion. 

Warm This Winter spokesperson Caroline Simpson said: “It is shocking that whilst people are looking forward to celebrating the festivities, too many are still living in true Dickensian conditions, where cold damp homes are making them ill.

“We need to see a Government that has the ambition to create the homes people deserve and banish these appalling conditions to a bye-gone era where they belong.”


[1] Opinium conducted an online survey of 2,000 UK adults between 22nd and 26th November 2024. Results have been weighted to be nationally representative.  In 2023, there were 54,196,443 people aged 18 plus in the UK according to ONS.

[2] Opinium conducted an online survey of 2,014 UK adults between 7th and 8th October 2024. Results were weighted to be nationally and politically representative of the UK adult population.

Insulate us from energy shocks say bill payers as public reveal cold winter fears

New figures from the Warm This Winter campaign have found that almost half (47%) of those polled are worried about how they will stay warm this winter, with 46% worried that they may need to rely on the NHS this winter. [1]

Over 65s are the most concerned group with half (50%) worried about how they will stay warm and the same number of older people scared about needing to use the NHS in the colder months.

The figures come after data, released by the DWP to the House of Commons Select Committee on work and pensions, have shown thousands of pensioners will be pushed into poverty by the decision to remove Winter Fuel Payments.

Campaigners warn that the official statistics are likely an underestimate of the suffering caused by the decision. Those missing out on Winter Fuel Payments this year include 1.2m pensioners in absolute poverty and 1.6m disabled older people.

As part of the long term solution to cold damp homes, the Warm This Winter data shows that nearly three quarters (72%) of the public want the UK’s worst homes to be prioritised with a properly funded insulation and ventilation scheme.

But until the Government’s Warm Homes Plan is introduced, energy bills remain around 65% higher (c.£700 per average household) than in winter 2020/21 – a fourth winter of the energy bills crisis driven by our over reliance on expensive gas.

As the first cold snap of the 2024/25 winter hits home, data analysis by academics has found fuel poor households are using dangerously low amounts of energy during freezing weather.

This has also led to calls to reform the Cold Weather Payments so they are paid out when the Met Office predicts the temperature in the next 24 hours is likely to fall to -4C or below, rather than paid after a cold snap as is the case at present.

As well as short term measures to high energy bills, six out of 10 people actively support a fully-funded nationwide insulation and ventilation programme to create healthy, energy efficient homes that will also make bill payers less exposed to energy shocks.

Experts have calculated it could save households up to £400 on yearly energy bills.

A spokesperson for the End Fuel Poverty Coalition said:

“The dangerous situation households will face this winter is becoming clearer – more people are likely to be living in cold damp homes which will put people in harm’s way.

“Fully funding support to insulate, ventilate and improve the heating in people’s homes is the fastest way to bring down energy bills for good.

“Households – and employers in the industry – need the reassurance that the Government will stick to its word and deliver the £13.2bn investment in the Warm Homes Plan that they promised during the election campaign.

“But home improvements on such a scale will take time to take effect and will be no comfort to those struggling this winter.

“That’s why it is so vital the ministers bring in more support for vulnerable households this winter and speed up plans to bring in a social tariff for next winter – a move that is backed by the vast majority of voters.”

Caroline Simpson, spokesperson for the Warm This Winter campaign said:

“The public have spoken. They want a comprehensive, funded, insulation and ventilation programme which prioritises the worst homes first. 

“If the Government acts now and puts the right measures in place, it would be welcomed by the majority of people in the UK no matter how they voted in July. And as well as making healthier, happier homes, it would also bring down bills in the long term, which would protect us from the ongoing cycle of energy shocks.”

Support for a funded insulation and ventilation programme crosses party lines with 69% of those who intend to vote Labour, 65% of Liberal Democrats, 54% of Conservatives and 53% of Reform, backing a more comprehensive plan. 

Jan Shortt, National Pensioners Convention (NPC) General Secretary said: 

“Will the Chancellor now reconsider her decision and reinstate the Winter Fuel Payment to all pensioners this year – or will she take responsibility for the risk to the health and welfare of those struggling to survive the cold without the allowance?

“Given that we already have freezing weather across the country, it is inevitable that those without the support of the Winter Fuel Payment will be suffering in cold homes – many afraid to turn the heating on at all. 

“The NPC is concerned to learn that the wait for those applying for pension credit is extended to 10 weeks as the extra staff being brought into the DWP will not be trained until the new year.  This delay will take those applicants who need their winter fuel payment now to at least February. 

“We genuinely fear that some may not survive to see February and their delayed payment.”


Opinium conducted an online survey of 2,014 nationally and politically representative UK adults between 7th and 8th October 2024


Public support for energy social tariff surges ahead of the Budget

A huge majority of the public back the Government providing more support to vulnerable households with their energy bills. [1]

Following the Chancellor’s removal of the Winter Fuel Payment from most pensioners, 67% of the public now want to see Ministers take action to boost other energy bill help.

Three quarters of the public (75%) also back the Government bringing in a social tariff to provide a discount on energy bills to those in greatest need of help.

The new polling by Opinium for the Warm This Winter campaign reveals that support for a social tariff has surged from 57% of the public backing the move in a similar poll published before the General Election.  

In the new figures, while 12% don’t know if they back the move, 13% oppose the plan. 

A social tariff offers lasting protection to those who depend on heating and electricity the most for their health and well-being, reducing the unit cost they pay and shielding them from volatile and persistently high energy costs.

In the run-up to the 2024 election, the Labour Party committed to deliver a “fairer energy system for everyone” and over half (55%) of Labour voters said that this made them more likely to vote for the party in July’s election. [2]

But after many pensioners have now seen their winter fuel payments removed, 78% of the public called for a social tariff to be made available to older people. 

86% felt that those who are dependent on powered medical equipment in order to stay healthy at home (e.g. dialysis machines, oxygen concentrators, artificial ventilators) or rely on energy to power equipment (e.g. charge wheelchairs, run fridges for medicines) should get the tariff.

Similar high levels of support were found for the social tariff going to those who have respiratory diseases (81%), have cardiovascular disease (77%), have a disability (76%), are financially vulnerable (72%) or are at risk from not using energy due to money worries (69%).

As in previous polling, the public backed the social tariff being paid for by the energy industry (producers, networks and suppliers). There was also support for the cost being split between industry and general taxation. 

The most recent energy industry profits tracker shows that over £457bn in profits have been generated by firms since the start of the energy bills crisis. Over £1,200 per household in profit has been generated by network operators and transmission firms alone. [3]

There was almost no support for it being fully funded by spreading the costs across everyone else’s energy bills, which is usually what happens with support schemes at present.

Warm This Winter campaign manager, Caroline Simpson, commented:

“The public believe that a social tariff must be implemented and this needs to be done as soon as possible to avoid more scenes of vulnerable people living in cold damp homes every winter. Hard-pressed bill payers also want to see this programme paid for by energy industry profits.

“Most also agree the only way to bring down everyone’s bills in the long term is to help households reduce their energy use, by insulating and ventilating the UK’s housing, which is some of the leakiest in Europe. But in the meantime we must ensure we protect the most vulnerable people in our society from the continuing high cost of energy driven by volatile gas prices.”

In the run-up to the 2024 election, the Labour Party committed to deliver a “fairer energy system for everyone” and over half (55%) of Labour voters say that this made them more likely to vote for the party in July’s election. 

But after many pensioners have now seen their winter fuel payments removed, 78% of the public called for a social tariff to be made available to elderly people. 

A spokesperson for the End Fuel Poverty Coalition commented:

“This autumn is being dominated by the Chancellor’s cold hearted decision to remove Winter Fuel Payments from elderly people which we know will hit those with disabilities and pre-existing health conditions very hard indeed.

“But not only is this the wrong policy from a public health perspective, it also flies against popular opinion.

“Protecting vulnerable consumers from energy prices that remain way above 2021 levels is a popular and easy to implement policy. The Government must now prioritise delivering a social tariff while its longer term reforms to boost renewables and its Warm Homes Plan have the time needed to deliver results.

“The public would support this being paid for by the whole energy industry. Producers, transmission firms, network operators, market traders, suppliers and their supply chains could all chip in through their profits to make this happen.”

David Southgate, policy manager at disability equality charity Scope, said:

“It’s clear there is widespread support for making energy bills much fairer for disabled people. The government must listen.

“Life costs a lot more when you’re disabled. Disabled people have to spend more of their income on energy and continually face eye-watering bills. For charging vital equipment like wheelchairs, hoists and breathing equipment, or for more heating to stay warm and well.

“Disabled households are now beyond breaking point. They have cut back everything they can and are increasingly forced into unmanageable debt.

“That’s why Scope continues to call for discounted bills for disabled people. This would finally put an end to the impossible situation millions of disabled people face trying to make ends meet.”


[1] Opinium conducted an online survey of 2,014 nationally and politically representative UK adults between 7th and 8th October 2024

[2] 32% of 2024 Labour voters said it made no difference to their vote or they didn’t know. 7% said it made them less likely to vote Labour, but did so anyway.

[3] Data as at 3 September 2024. Researchers examined the declared profits of the 20 firms the End Fuel Poverty Coalition is most asked to comment on. This sample of the industry ranges from energy producers (such as Equinor and Shell) through to the firms that control our energy grid (such as National Grid, UK Power Networks and Cadent) as well as suppliers (such as British Gas). It does not include supply chains nor market trading firms.

Winter fuel payment cuts set to hit 84% of disabled pensioners

Over four-fifths (84%) of older people with a long-term health condition or disability claim they will no longer get Winter Fuel Payments according to new research. [1]

The figures, reported in the Daily Express, suggest that one in five (19%*) people who have long-term health conditions or disabilities, are over 66 and say they will no longer likely get Winter Fuel Payments claim that they are worried about their own safety because of the risks of living in a cold damp home this winter. This compares with 17% of the general public and 14% of all over 65s.

The figures* also indicate that those respondents who claim they are no longer eligible for Winter Fuel Payments and have a physical disability are more likely to live in a home that is often cold and damp than the general population.

81% of older people who are already worried about cold and damp in their own homes claim they will not get Winter Fuel Payments.

While owner occupiers are most likely to no longer get Winter Fuel Payments, 77% of older people who rent will miss out, with those in social housing* especially affected by the cuts.

Commenting on the figures, a spokesperson for the End Fuel Poverty Coalition, commented:

“The data is yet another warning sign. The indications are that older people who no longer get the Winter Fuel Payment are more likely to suffer in cold damp homes this winter than the general public. 

“For those pensioners with a physical disability, the situation is potentially even worse. Many do not have access to the means tested benefits needed to claim the Winter Fuel Payment and the Government must urgently assess the impact on this group in particular and provide more support for them.

“Until the Government fully implements its plans to improve insulation and ventilation of buildings as well as stabilise energy costs, vulnerable households will continue to need financial support. 

“That’s why the Winter Fuel Payments were so important. The money provided help for older households to stay warm each winter. Sadly, now more older people are expected to live in cold damp homes this winter and this puts them at greater risk of ill health, with over quarter of a million older people becoming so ill they will be forced to the doors of the NHS.”

James Taylor, Scope’s executive director of strategy and social change, said:  

“These findings are a shocking indictment of a plan that will leave older disabled people in an impossible situation this winter.

“Life already costs more when you’re disabled. Higher electricity bills because of medical equipment to power. Higher heating bills because of health conditions affected by the cold. 

“Since the start of this crisis, we’ve heard from disabled people who are going without heating and forgoing medical treatment. Sacrifices that put their health at risk. 

“While some disabled pensioners receive pension credit, there are an alarming number who will miss out this winter. We’d urge anyone who thinks they could be eligible to apply, or to get in touch with our helpline for advice. 

“We desperately need a longer-term solution for the eye-watering energy costs many disabled people face, which is why we’re calling for the government to bring in discounted bills for disabled households.”


[1] Winter Fuel Payment research by Opinium (undertaken 7-8 Oct 2024, sample of 2,014, weighted to be politically and nationally representative). 

Among respondents aged over 66, 88% say they do not receive a qualifying benefit and, therefore, will no longer get the Winter Fuel Payment in winter 2024/25. 2% preferred not to answer or did not know, leaving 10% saying they are on a qualifying benefit.

 2024 voting behaviour

90% of Labour voters aged over 66 claim they will no longer get the Winter Fuel Payment

89% of Conservative voters aged over 66 claim they will no longer get the Winter Fuel Payment

96% of Lib Dem voters aged over 66 claim they will no longer get the Winter Fuel Payment*

80% of Reform voters aged over 66 claim they will no longer get the Winter Fuel Payment


93% of Scots aged over 66 claim they will no longer get the Winter Fuel Payment*

91% of people aged over 66 and living in southern England claim they will no longer get the Winter Fuel Payment

88% of people aged over 66 and living in London claim they will no longer get the Winter Fuel Payment*

87% of people aged over 66 and living in the English Midlands claim they will no longer get the Winter Fuel Payment

85% of people aged over 66 and living in northern England claim they will no longer get the Winter Fuel Payment

81% of people aged over 66 and living in Wales or Northern Ireland claim they will no longer get the Winter Fuel Payment*

* indicates that the base sample is below 50 and caution should be taken in using or reporting on this figure with more detailed research required to confirm the findings.

Cold damp homes cost to NHS estimated as energy price cap rises

New estimates predict that cuts to the winter fuel payment could lead to increased costs to the NHS. [1]

The analysis, first reported in the Daily Express, suggests that in 2024, the total cost to the NHS for treating pensioners in cold, damp homes may reach at least £1.5bn a year, with c.2.3m older people living in poor housing conditions.

Within these figures, an estimated 262,000 pensioners will live in cold damp homes due to the decision to axe winter fuel payments. This alone could cost the health service more than £169m a year, the research suggests.

The news comes as energy bills are set to increase for all households by 10% from 1 October.

This will leave the average household paying around 65% more for their energy than in winter 2020/21 and comes on top of years of the wider cost of living crisis, meaning households have less ability to pay these high prices. Energy debt has now hit £3.7bn according to Ofgem figures published last week.

For pensioners who previously had winter fuel payments, but now miss out, energy prices will seem higher than at any point in their lives. Those missing out on Winter Fuel Payments this year include 1.2m pensioners in absolute poverty and 1.6m disabled older people.

As personal finance experts point out, the increase in the triple lock does not replace the winter fuel payment and estimate 752,000 older people will not use heating at all this winter.

Among the wider public, National Energy Action has calculated that around half of households will be rationing their energy use.

A spokesperson for the End Fuel Poverty Coalition commented:

“We’re now heading into the fourth winter of sky high energy prices, meaning the average household will have paid more than £2,500 extra for their energy than had we not been so exposed to volatile energy markets.

“For older people who previously received the winter fuel payment, but will no longer do so under the Chancellor’s new rules, the situation is even worse.

“The long term way to reduce the costs to the NHS of people living in cold damp homes is to improve insulation and ventilation of buildings as well as stabilise energy costs by getting the country away from being hooked on volatile gas prices.

“But until the Government fully implements its positive plans in these areas, vulnerable households will continue to need financial support. That’s why the Winter Fuel Payments were so important, the money provided help for older households to stay warm each winter.

“Sadly, now more older people are expected to live in cold damp homes this winter and this puts them at greater risk of ill health, meaning the costs to the NHS will soar.”

Caroline Simpson, Warm This Winter campaign spokesperson added:

“This 10 percent price cap rise is yet another blow that households can ill afford, especially when energy companies are raking in billions in profits every week.

“People want to see a transition to renewables, they want to see an end to being reliant on unscrupulous gas giants which is leading to them having to choose between eating and heating and frankly that money needs to go back in people’s pockets.

“That’s why we are pleased this government is taking great steps to end the broken energy system they inherited, but they must also help households who simply cannot afford to continue paying 65% more than they were three years ago on energy bills and look at help such as a social tariff. If they’re looking at how to fund it,  these profiteering energy companies would be a good place to start.”

Jan Shortt, general secretary of the National Pensioners Convention, said:

“The loss of the winter fuel allowance for the majority of older people clearly puts them at risk. It is a known fact that older people require warmth and a stable temperature to maintain their health.

“Living in cold, damp homes heightens the risk of strokes, heart disease, respiratory conditions and generally harms the rest of the body.

It therefore follows that the risk of overwhelming the NHS in winter is high and the cost of dealing with the consequences of the Government decision will be felt throughout the NHS and care sectors.”

Age UK charity director Caroline Abrahams added:

“We’re hearing from older people worried about how they will cope without their winter fuel payment, including many on low and modest incomes who are planning to ration their heating this winter because they’re frightened how they’ll manage this winter.

“For an older person to be forced to live in a cold home is deeply worrying because it’s very bad for their health, especially if they are living with lung or heart conditions or are very frail.

“The consequences for them could be severe and we’re sure that we’ll see more older people going to hospital this winter as a result – the last thing they or the NHS needs.

“The Government must do more at the Budget to ensure pensioners can navigate the coming cold months safely and with their health intact, or the consequences will be felt by older people and the NHS.”

Morgan Vine, head of policy and influencing at Independent Age, warned that living in a cold and damp home can have “very serious implications” for OAPs:

“Many of the older people on a low income we speak to tell us they were already cutting back on heating before the announcement to means test the winter fuel payment.

“With the reality of now losing hundreds of pounds this winter, many have shared they will be making severe cutbacks including not turning the heating on at all.

“Others have told us they will reduce the amount they eat so they can turn the heating on for a few hours a day.

“It is unacceptable that people in later life are having to make dangerous sacrifices as we approach the colder months, and we are concerned that the demand for NHS services could increase as a result.”


[1] Estimates and calculations available online in this pdf. The research was first reported in the Daily Express on 29/30 September 2024.

MPs back dangerous winter fuel payments axe

MPs have approved plans to axe Winter Fuel Payments to millions of older households.

Politicians approved the measure despite recent research finding five out of every six pensioners living the below the poverty line will lose the support.

Age UK now estimate that at least 2.5m pensioners will suffer hardship as a result.

MPs who backed the cut have claimed that the Household Support Fund could pick up the slack, but this will involve local authorities removing the HSF help from other groups struggling with the cost of living.

A spokesperson for the End Fuel Poverty Coalition, commented:

“MPs have made the dangerous decision to condemn some of the most vulnerable pensioners to living in cold damp homes this winter.

“Many pensioners in poverty will now see energy bills higher than they have ever experienced in their lives.

“Parliamentarians and ministers should examine their conscience and the deluge of correspondence they have had on this issue from worried pensioners and back ways to mitigate the pain of the cut.

“We and others have given the government a number of ways they can target extra support to those pensioners most in need. One clear solution would be to extend eligibility to those on other forms of benefit and making more support available to vulnerable pensioners.

“But the Treasury could also look at a more comprehensive system of support for all of those living in cold damp homes, such as an emergency energy tariff or reform and expansion of the Cold Weather Payment system.”

Caroline Simpson, spokesperson for the Warm This Winter campaign commented

“The government needs to commit to keeping everybody warm this winter. Many people back some form of means testing for the Winter Fuel Payment, but scrapping it for all at short notice carries a very real risk of putting millions of vulnerable pensioners in harm’s way.

“While we back the government’s plans to prioritise home insulation which is the long term way to bring down everyone’s bills for good, no one should be forced to live in a cold damp home this winter.”

Caroline Abrahams CBE, Charity Director at Age UK added:

“We’re deeply disappointed, but not surprised, that the vote to brutally means-test Winter Fuel Payment was passed today. As soon as the Government announced it was instructing its MPs to support it this was the inevitable result, but we would like to thank all those in every party who voted against the policy or abstained.

“There’s been a lot of discussion about the Government’s decision, but at heart Age UK’s critique of their policy is really simple: we just don’t think it’s fair to remove the payment from the 2.5 million pensioners on low incomes who badly need it, and to do it so quickly this winter, at the same time as energy bills are rising by 10%.

“It is crystal clear that there is insufficient time to make any serious impact on the miserably low take-up of Pension Credit before the cold sets in this autumn, and the Government has brought forward no effective measures to support all those whose tiny occupational pensions take them just above the line to claim. It’s true they have agreed to extend the Household Support Fund until April and they deserve some credit for that, but the HSF is an all-age fund that you have to apply for, so we know it will only help a small proportion of all the pensioners who will be in need as a result of their policy change.

“The Government has also tried to suggest that the increase in State Pension for older people next year as a result of the Triple Lock means there’s no need to worry about how they will cope now, but that won’t help anyone this winter and most pensioners will not benefit to the extent being suggested – either because they are on the old State Pension which attracts less of an increase, or because they don’t qualify for a full State Pension in the first place.

“The reality is that driving through this policy as the Government is doing will make millions of poor pensioners poorer still and we are baffled as to why some Ministers are asserting that this is the right thing to do. We and many others are certain that it is not, and that’s why we will continue to stand with the pensioners who can’t afford to lose their payment and campaign for them to be given more Government support.

“Meanwhile, winter is coming and we fear it will be a deeply challenging one for millions of older people who have previously relied on their Winter Fuel Payment to help pay their energy bills and who have no obvious alternative source of funds on which to draw. As a charity we will do everything we can to help them, but with so many in need and no extra support on offer from the Government at the moment it’s looking like an incredibly uphill task.”

Energy giants see £457 billion profits as consumers’ bills rise

Just 20 energy companies have made a staggering £457 billion in profits since the start of the energy bills crisis. [1]

As of the end of August, following 2024 interim results, profits have amounted to over £457 billion since just before the energy crisis started. £61 billion has been posted in profits this year alone.

The staggering sums are revealed in the End Fuel Poverty Coalition’s updated profit tracker which examines profits made by a sample of companies that include energy producers (such as Equinor and Shell) through to the firms that control our energy grid (such as National Grid, UK Power Networks and National Gas Transmission) as well as suppliers (such as British Gas). It does not include supply chains or market trading firms.

Ofgem’s most recent Price Cap announcement indicated that energy bills will rise 10% from 1 October.

As part of this rise, the regulator indicated that suppliers will be able to make an additional 11% in profits on every standard variable tariff. Analysis of these figures suggest that supplier profits allowed through the Price Cap could amount to c.£1.2 billion over the next 12 months, enough to cover the cost of Winter Fuel Payments for almost all pensioners. [2]

Warm This Winter spokesperson Caroline Simpson said: 

“There are clearly an obscene level of profits being made and now energy suppliers have been given the green light to make a further £1.2 billion which is enough to cover the Winter Fuel Payment allowance for all pensioners.

“That’s why the government is right to take suppliers to task and ask them how they plan to help customers of all ages get through the winter ahead.

“We agree with the Government that we need to invest in homegrown renewable energy and an extensive programme of insulation to end this vicious cycle of bill shocks and reliance on volatile fossil fuels.”

A March 2024 Warm This Winter Tariff Watch report also called for improvements in transparency of the ownership of these firms after it found that British households had been boosting the profits of Chinese and Qatari Government-backed funds as the cost of the gas network has surged 38%.

A spokesperson for the End Fuel Poverty Coalition added: 

“As we’ve said all along, there is plenty of money in the energy system, but it never ends up in the hands of consumers who are struggling to pay their energy bills.

“Millions are now in energy debt, pensioners have had their Winter Fuel Payments taken away and yet shareholders are seeing returns running to the billions of pounds every year.

“The Government must step in to end this unfairness, bring about an end to energy debt, an extension of Warm Home Discounts and restore Winter Fuel Payments to more pensioners.”

The Warm This Winter campaign is urging the public to  join more than 4,500 people in writing to their MP or signing the 38 Degrees or Age UK petitions.


[1] The updated tracker is available online at 

[2] Ofgem Price Cap decision, p4 EBIT allowance from 1 October 2024 is £44 per standard variable tariff customer per year. Ofgem state that 27m customers are on a standard variable tariff. £44 * 27m = £1.19bn.

Winter Fuel Payment backlash enters fourth week

The campaign against the Chancellor’s decision to axe Winter Fuel Payments from millions of older people has continued into a fourth week.

In a speech to the media in Downing Street, the Prime Minister attempted to justify the impact of the decision after a report from Age UK found that nearly 2 million pensioners could face poverty this winter.

The Prime Minister hit out at “rot” in the system which had harmed the nation’s finances, that the Payments were “not a particularly well designed scheme” and that “support” will be there for the pensioners who need it the most. The PM hinted that those in society with the “broadest shoulders” could expect to see tax rises in the Budget.

However, analysis has found that some older people will face 131% year-on-year bill increases and the Pension Credit system has been hit with delays in processing applications.

Over 400,000 people have signed a Age UK petition with 300,000 signing a 38 Degrees petition and over 4,500 members of the public have shared their concerns with MPs via the Warm This Winter campaign.

A spokesperson for the End Fuel Poverty Coalition, commented:
“Axing Winter Fuel Payments is not about rot in the system, it is about basic fairness for older people facing soaring energy bills.

“In real terms, the changes this winter mean that some older people will face the highest energy bills on record.

“This has the potential to create a public health emergency which will actually create more pressure on the under-pressure NHS which the Prime Minister says he wants to fix.

“The impact of living in cold damp homes is particularly harsh on those older people with a disability, a long term health condition or with poor mental health. It results in people turning to an NHS and, in some cases, can result in additional winter deaths.

“Ending energy debt, extending the Household Support Fund, expanding Warm Home Discounts and evolving standing charges are all now needed urgently to help mitigate the impact of high bills and the axe to the Winter Fuel Payment.

“But as well as support this winter, the public need to see a clear timetable for when the very real benefits of cheaper renewable energy and the Warm Homes Plan will kick in.

“If the Prime Minister needs to find some ‘broad shoulders’ to pay for this support, let’s not forget that every month we hear about more massive profits for firms in the wider energy industry.”

Jonathan Bean from Fuel Poverty Action, added:

“Reeves’ reckless decision has robbed pensioners of their winter heating lifeline, just as prices rise again. Urgent action is needed by the Government and Ofgem on inflated energy prices, high standing charges and obscene profits.”